First and foremost, the Wuikinuxv-Kitasoo-Xai’xais-Nuxalk Tribal Council is an intergovernmental organization and forum whereby the three Member Nations are able to deliberate together to finds ways to cooperate where needed and appropriate. A great deal of the governance of each nation goes on independently, but voluntarily the Nations have also worked collaboratively on many initiatives.
As noted, the WKXNTC is also recognized by the Federal Government of Canada as a “Tribal Council” which Ottawa first recognized as a separate institution in 1984 as part of what was called “devolution.” Many Tribal Councils were first formed at that point including what was at first called the Bella Coola District Council. At that time, in addition to the present three Member Nations, the Heiltsuk were members. This changed several years later. The Heiltsuk withdrew and the Oweekeno-Kitasoo-Nuxalk Tribal Council was formed and incorporated as a “Society” following British Columbia provincial law.
In 2010, the Wuikinuxv Nation changed its name to that spelling from “Oweekeno” and later, the Tribal Council’s name was officially changed to be consistent.
In 2022, Kitasoo Nation changed its name to Kitasoo/Xai’xais Nation to recognize both cultural and ethnic people of their nation.
The WKXNTC membership is made up of all the elected Chiefs and Councillors of the three member Nations. As soon as a person is sworn in a chief or councillor, they are automatically a WKXNTC member. The full council meets for an Annual General Meeting each May. An Executive is made up of the three Chief Councillors. They meet at least 6 times per year and provide direction to the staff, which is led by a Senior Administrator.